Resumo: In this study, a preliminary food quality and safety assessment was performed on organic and cage-free egg samples marketed in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that were analyzed concerning veterinary drug and pesticide residues using high performance and ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. The polyether ionophore salinomycin was detected in two organic egg samples (25% of the organic samples), one with an estimated concentration even higher than the maximum permissible amount of 3 µg kg−1 established for conventional eggs by the European Commission. The other sample presented a concentration higher than the limit of detection of 0.3 µg kg−1, but lower than the lowest calibration level of 1.5 µg kg−1. Regarding pesticide residues, spiroxamine, pirimiphos, mephosfolan and pyraclostrobin were identified at residual levels below the lowest calibration level of 4.5 µg kg−1, except for one organic egg sample, presenting 8.3 µg kg−1 of spiroxamine. Spiroxamine was identified in 62% of the assessed samples. These findings indicate that non-conformities were found even with a limited number of samples, impacting the confidence in the quality of organic and cage-free alternative systems in egg production. The hazard index (HI) approach demonstrated that chemical food safety might be at risk, since a mixture of the detected analytes may pose a risk for children up to 27 kg, through egg consumption.
Supercritical extraction of pesticides from banana: Experimental and modeling
Resumo: Banana is a tropical fruit cultivated in warm places, harvested during the whole year, produced and consumed around the world. Its productivity is affected by the vulnerability of these cultivars to some pests and diseases, and some agrochemicals are applied to avoid these attacks. However, all of them can cause serious health problems in humans such as cancer and neurological diseases. Due to that, this study evaluated the supercritical fluid in the pesticides extraction present in banana flour, based on an experimental design. The fruits were fortified with a synthetic solution containing the agrochemicals diluted in methanol. The yield of pesticides increased with the pressure increasing, and the better condition was at 500 bar and 60 °C. The experimental data were well modeled by the models of Esquível et al. (1999), Reverchon & Osseo (1994), Zeković et al. (2003) and Sovová (1999).
Resumo: Samples of whole fluid pasteurized, UHT and powdered milk were analyzed for the presence of organophosphorus pesticide residues (OPR) using the QuEChERS method with detection by GC-FPD and confirmation by UPLC-MS/MS. A total of 23% of fluid milk samples and 27% of powdered milk samples contained at least one organophosphorus residue. The OPR found in the samples showed these can reach the milk and remain even after pasteurization, sterilization and drying processes. Some domestic sanitary residues were also present in the powdered milk samples. These residues have no LMR in Brazilian food legislation and are therefore not taken into account in food intake evaluations. There was an unidentified chromatographic peak in 30% of all the liquid and powdered milk samples, indicating the presence of some other contaminant.
Resumo: O presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar a situação atual do consumo de alimentos à base de soja disponíveis no mercado em relação à presença de resíduos de agrotóxicos. A metodologia foi validada para efetuar a determinação de 122 resíduos de pesticida na matriz soja e de 124 substâncias na matriz extrato solúvel de soja. As curvas analíticas estudadas nas duas matrizes apresentaram linearidade na faixa de trabalho analisada (0,002 a 0,200 µg.mL-1). A exatidão e a precisão em dois níveis de fortificação apresentaram valores de 70 % a 119 % de recuperação e de CV (%) de 1 a 18. O Limite de Quantificação (LQ) apresentou resultados satisfatórios (0,005 a 0,215 matriz soja e 0,006 a 0,028 matriz extrato solúvel de soja) em relação aos Limites Máximos de Resíduo (LMRs) quando existentes. Para realizar o estudo, foram selecionadas 42 amostras de soja e materiais à base de soja. As amostras foram adquiridas, no período de 2011 a 2012, em estabelecimentos comerciais na região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Esta avaliação exploratória de contaminação evidenciou o uso inapropriado dos agrotóxicos ciprodinil, pirimifós-metílico, ciazofamida e butóxido de piperonila na soja e de estar em desacordo com a legislação vigente.
Publicado: maio de 2020.