Alergia alimentar

A histomorphometric classification system for normal and inflamed mouse duodenum-Quali-quantitative approach

Resumo: Gut-associated intestinal lymphoid tissue, the largest secondary lymphoid organ in the human body, constantly samples antigens from the gut lumen, presenting as a default response the activation of TCD4+ FOXP3+ regulatory T cells that secrete a profile of anti-inflammatory cytokines maintaining gut homeostasis denominated from an immunological perspective as mucosal tolerance. However, when antigens are sampled in an inflammatory setting, the immune response may either be protective, in the case of harmful pathogens, or cause further inflammatory reactions as in food allergy, inflammatory bowel diseases, coeliac disease or food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Therefore, there is a need for accurate and consistent experimental models. However, a drawback in comparing these models is the lack of a classification system similar to that which is already used for humans. Thus, the aim of this work was to propose a classification system of the small intestinal histomorphology in experimental mice. To do this we used a mouse antigen-specific gut inflammation model developed by our research group. Duodenum sections stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Alcian blue were scanned using the APERIO scanning system and analysed with the ImageScope® software. The evaluated parameters were villus area, villus height and width, enterocyte count, mononuclear intra-epithelial leucocyte and goblet cell counts, and architectural and cellular ratios. Food-sensitized animals challenged with a diet containing the corresponding food allergen presented, as for humans, time-dependent shortened and widened villi accompanied by leucocyte infiltrate and loss of goblet cells. With these data, we were able to establish a classification system for experimental intestinal inflammation in mice thus permitting better comparisons among and between experiments than has been possible previously.

Food allergy/hypersensitivity: antigenicity or timing?

Resumo: Mechanisms involved in the induction of oral tolerance (OT) or systemic immunization through the oral rout are still poorly understood. In our previous studies, we have shown that when normal mice eat peanuts they become tolerant, with no gut alterations. Conversely, if immunized with peanut proteins prior to a challenge diet (CD) containing peanuts they develop chronic inflammation of the gut. Our aim is to evaluate the consequences of the introduction of a novel protein in the diet of animals presenting antigen-specific gut inflammation. Adult, female C57BL/6J mice were divided in control (C) and experimental (E) groups. C1-C3 received peanut protein immunization, animals of the control groups C4 were sham immunized, and control group C5 received ovalbumin (OVA) immunization. The experimental group was immunized with peanut protein extract. Before initial exposure to a 30-day peanut containing CD, the experimental group was divided into 5 groups (E1-E5). OVA feeding began 7 days prior CD (E1) on day 0 (E2), 7 (E3), 14 (E4) and 21 (E5) during CD. Our results show that oral exposure to a novel protein (OVA) in the absence of gut inflammation (E1) leads to low levels of systemic antibody (Ab) titers, comparable to tolerant animals. Conversely, as off initial induction of inflammation, groups submitted to OVA (OT) protocol develop increasingly higher systemic Ab titers similar to animals of the immune control group. In conclusion, our protocol indicates that timing is more important than the antigenicity when a novel protein is offered, in the diet.

Publicado: abril de 2021.

Laboratório de Fisiologia Endócrina e Metabologia

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